Publisher SEO & Content Case Study
From 1,000 sessions to +15,000 sessions a month–our SEO & content services helped this national publisher hit their annual traffic goal before the end of Quarter 3.
LUMA helped them find their search-market fit by identifying content opportunities that aligned with their editorial focus and drove quick traffic to their website within weeks of publishing an article.
Client had ambitious annual traffic goals. They identified organic search & SEO as a cost-efficient way to help them hit their 100K session annual traffic goal.
However, they didn’t just want any kind of traffic. They wanted it to be brand relevant and aligned with their editorial focuses.
LUMA helped them find their search-market fit by identifying content opportunities that aligned with their editorial focus and drove quick traffic to their website within weeks of publishing an article.
Since their domain new we focused on keywords with obtainable keyword difficulties, 1,000+ search volume, and topics that aligned with their brand’s core values.
The power of our sprint model to expedite execution & results.
Establish Annual Goals
Plan Traffic Acquisition by Channel
Keyword Research
Competitor Analysis
Content Strategy
On page SEO Optimizations
Content Briefs
Technical SEO
Report & Scale
Expert Written Articles Published
Optimizations Implemented
Biweekly Progress Reporting
Traffic Acquisition Consulting